Dr. Joe DeJames will be with us Wednesday the 10th with an update on our clinic.
Wednesday's speaker, Charmaine Alexander was a student of mine before she went off to college and made a name for herself with the Department of Defense.  She worked for Lockheed Martin as a contractor for National Intelligence, and later became a civilian employee at the Department of Defense.  She has been deployed to Afghanistan (twice in one year), and is based in Wiesbaden, Germany.  She has visited Italy numerous times, Thailand, Austria, Portugal and Prague.  Her job is network engineer, but there was more she couldn't tell us without killing us, so we let that go.  She fixes, repairs and installs network systems, mostly working with hardware.  Before heading to Afghanistan, she was required to do weapons training with an M-4 and a 9ml Berretta.  She's a great role model for our girls and said that sometimes it got tiring having to prove herself again and again.  But she has developed a strong and confident manner because she is often the only woman on the team, and I would bet she pulls her weight better than most of her team mates!
We will discuss dates for our 2015/16 officer installation, a morning cleanup of Jumbie Beach, and pre-Children's Carnival Village organizational activities, so please come and let your voices be heard!