Tangent and Alainna talked about their charity trip to Guatemala...
At the meeting on Tues, Apr. 5th, Tangent and Alainna told the members about their trip to Guatemala to climb three volcanoes in three days - the highest of which was over 13,000ft. The project was to provide essential funding for a school which now caters for over 650 children who are too poor to be able to access education in oany other way. the school operates as a shelter for vulnerable children, a medical centre and food kitchen. We were all moved to hear that the school supplies pack lunches on a Friday for Saturday knowing that the children will not get another meal before returning to school on Monday. the couple thanked Rotary Central for their contribution to the fundraising effort. Rotary Central thank them for their enthusiasm and international-mindedness! We are proud to be able to support young people in their endeavours to make the world a better place.