Our speaker on Tues., Mar.23rd, Sophie Halford, from the Department of the Environment is encouraging us all to be more eco-friendly...
Miss Halford presented an outline of how the members of staff in the Department of the Environment office have worked together to become more 'green'. They have put in place a number of measures to reduce and reuse in an effort to reduce their carbon footprint. They are encouraged to use both sides of paper for printing and photocopying; turn one-sided 'used' paper into notebooks; turn down the A/C by a couple of degrees; recycle their soda cans; collect newspapers for use at the Humane Society;switch off lights when they leave a room; monitor and reduce the amount of water being used e.g. to wash down their vans; use china mugs instead of disposable cups and metal cutlery instead of plastic...and so on. Their study has shown a significant reduction in their use of utilities, as well as having the satisfaction of knowing that they are reducing the amount of waste that ends up on Mount Trashmore. She encouraged all of us in our offices and at home to "Go Green". Did you know that in Cayman the supermarkets use 1,000,000 plastic bags every month? It is up to all of us to make a difference!!