...launched at Savannah Primary School on Monday, September 27th.
The first EarlyAct Club in Cayman was launched as an after-school club at Savannah Primary School on Monda, September 27th. 19 students opted to join the group under the guidance of Mrs. Emma Liggett-Cremer, one of the school's Year 5 teachers. The launch was attended by Rotarians Susie Bodden, Carl Brown, Larry Tibbetts and Margaret Rattray (Principal of Savannah Primary)and also Wade Chase who represented Rotaract Blue. The children were introduced to the Four Way Test through the story "Andy and Elmer's Apple Dumpling Adventure" which was produced by the Rotary Club of Fairborn, Ohio. This was read by Susie Bodden. The children then went on to consider the qualities that EarlyAct hopes to teach - caring, respect, empathy, responsibility, tolerance, citizenship, compassion, friendship and leadership. They also gave their ideas of how they might move forward with projects in school, in the community and in the wider world. Finally they posed for a group photograph! A successful launch!