Rotary Club of Cayman Brac 33rd Annual Bike-A-Thon
The Rotary Club of Cayman Brac 33rd Annual Bike-A-Thon took place on the March 28, 2015 despite heavy intermittent downpours two hours before the schedule kick off time. Bicyclist waited out twenty minutes of light showers and at 8.20 AM with just overhanging dark clouds, calm seas and no rain, cyclist set off on a happy start at the Spot Bay Turn Around with great expectations to finish this 12 miles road race.
The first person at the finish line at the West End Community Park, Layman E. Scoot High School student, Evol Miller did it again at 35 minutes 19 seconds. Second Place was Deandre Ebanks 39 minutes 54 seconds and third place was Corell MacIntosh at 40 minutes 36 seconds. First Adult female was school teacher Angela Johnson at 42 minutes 7 seconds . The oldest rider Wallace Platts 75years came in at 7th position at 48 minutes 44 seconds. Among the 30 riders to finish the race Vesean Beput was the youngest at 8 years old and completed in 60 minutes 27 seconds. Tessa Valentine and kids took away the prize for the largest sponsored family to finish the distance. There were no accidents.
At the Prize giving ceremony at the West End Community Park, President Dhallchand Seeram, congratulated everyone for their active participation in this community event and encouraged them to continue riding for better health. Among the many prizes handed out, the big surprise of an Ipad went to Janae Scott who received the first prize for collecting the most money from her sponsors.
President Dhal took the opportunity to thank all our sponsors for this event and over the years, the families and well wishers, teachers and parents, rotarians and most importantly the riders who braved the weather to make another historic mark for Rotary and themselves.
Rotary Club of Cayman Brac contributes to Senior Citizens Home
Senior registered Nurse Debbie Frances Clyne is the nurse supervisor for the Kirkconnell Community Center , the only senior citizens home on Cayman Brac. This complex located in the compound adjacent to Faith Hospital, provides excellent nursing care to all residents and day care patients.
President Dhallchand Seeram of the Rotary Club learned from Nurse Clyne of some of the ongoing needs of the home and quickly secured blinds, towels and wash cloths during the Christmas rush for the homes. Nurse Clyne and staff were very grateful for this contribution and are always thankful to all who visit and continue to make the home a better place for our senior citizens.
Rotary Club Honours Senior Citizens at Christmas Dinner
Rotary Club of Cayman Brac continues to celebrate our seniors for the significant contributions they have made over the years in their many useful roles including important positions as teachers, mentors, parents and grandparents, seamen, pastors and builders.
Our annual dinner held traditionally on the Saturday following the Christmas Tree lighting Ceremony, is our humble way of saying to our seniors that “ you are special and we thank you sincerely for the enormous sterling contributions you have made to our community and the world over the years” said Rotary President Dhallchand Seeram.
Charter Secretary and Past President , Pastor Audley Scott in his opening prayer asked for the Lord blessing on all and after blessing the food, the cake was cut by two of the most senior in our midst Mr Cliff Quimby, Octogenarian and Mrs Dean Brown centenarian. Pastor French made this evening of Saturday December 6th a memorable one by involving everyone in singing. A few stories, songs , poems video show, and jokes of yesteryear were shared and everyone had a sumptuous dinner, gifts to take home and pleasant memories of a happy evening with friends and family.
Rotary club of Cayman Brac is always grateful to all our supporters not forgetting Remardo Ebanks and Jordan Grant for the video, light and sound effects at all our events.
Cayman Brac Rotary Lights up Sister Island
Mrs Kathy Kirkconnell, wife of the Honourable Deputy Premiere, flipped the light switch to start a light show bringing in Christmas to the Sister Islands. This 33rd Annual Tree lighting ceremony was held on the lawns of the District Administration Building on Monday December 1st 2014 and was supported by the Ministry of District Administration, Tourism and Transport, Cayman Brac Power and Light and Hon Deputy Premiere Mr Moses Kirkconnell.
This light show was preceded by special greetings from the President of the Club, Mr Dhallchand Seeram, manager of Power and Light Mr Jonathan Tibbetts , Deputy District Commissioner Mr Mark Tibbetts who brought greetings on behalf of the Ministry of District Administration, and Mrs Kathy Kirkconnell on behalf of her husband and family. Special musical items , song and dance were presented by West End Primary , Spot Bay Primary, Layman E Scott High School, Gillispie Sisters and Cordel Smith, Tamara Loten , Koalition Dance Group ,Twayne Foster and the Localz Band.
The lawns and skies at District Administration were beautifully lit. The rich aroma from cooked food, cotton candies and cookies filled the air and everyone was having a good time when the loud sound of the siren from the Ambulance got them distracted. Maybe this ambulance was bringing Santa who got injured enroute to the Brac because it was past the time for him to arrive. Majority of adults and kids rushed towards the ambulance but Santa tricked them again and came walking from the opposite direction bringing gifts and greetings with HO! HO! HO! All children from birth to grade 6 received gifts from Santa and got their photos taken especially those meeting Santa for the first time.
It was indeed a beautiful evening and the Rotary Club would like to thank everyone who made this event another big success to Light Up Rotary and the Sister Islands.
Rotary Club of Cayman Brac and Seaman and Veterans Health Fair 2014
Rotary Club of Cayman Brac supports Walk for Diabetes- an early morning walk-a- thon involving Rotarians, members of the Cayman Islands Diabetes Association – Cayman Brac and other service clubs . This walk-a- thon which took place from the veterans and Seaman building on the Bluff, kicks off the first event for the Rotary and Seaman and Veterans annual Picnic and Health Fair.
Rotary President Dhallchand Seeram working closely with President of the Seaman Society Captain Arlen Tatum and secretary Liz Walton, were able organize lectures and booths from the Cancer Society, Heart Health Centre, Hospice care, Health City, Heart Health Foundation and Baptist Hospital, Florida.
Many of the topics include the various types of cancer, hospice care for aging, screening for stroke prevention and diabetes and heart health care.
A packed audience at the center was very pleased with the addition of this health section. They eagerly look forward to similar sessions in the future
Health and wellness education to promote healthy lifestyle today is the key to a better tomorrow.
The second oldest Rotary club in the Cayman Islands
South Side
West End, Cayman Brac KY2-2101
Cayman Islands