"We must not turn a blind eye to crime, whether it is drug trafficking, illegal gun possession, murder, robbery, the encouragement of illegal immigration or general lawlessness, " said Minister of National Security O.A.T. "Tommy" Turnquest during his presentation at the club.
Minister Turnquest said that crime is one of the major challenges we face in our country. He said that of the 59 murders committed year-to-date, fifty six percent came as a direct result of the illicit drug trade, retaliation and conflict. The majority of murders have taken place between the hours of 4pm and 8am with guns and knives primarily being used. Minister Turnquest said that the escalating crime has resulted in a Crime Prevention Strategy being launched in New Providence about three weeks ago. The aim of this strategy is to reduce crime and the fear of it by targeting prolific offenders and bringing them to justice swiftly. Additionally, it is hoped to build the public 's confidence of law enforcement through greater visibility and communication.