Online Registration
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Lund International


Welcome to join us!

At this meeting we will listen to Katharina Herzog, from Malmö International Rotary Club on the topic:

"Rotaract Malmö Lund International launches Mentorship program"

Rotaract Malmö Lund International recently launched a mentorship program between their club and Rotary clubs in the district. This program will be open to both existing and prospective members of Rotaract and Rotary clubs, and aims to give young professionals the opportunity to get support and guidance for their professional career and individual development. During the presentation, Katharina Herzog, the initiators of the project, will present the aims and setup of the program, and is welcoming questions from the audience. The program is now open for applications for mentors and mentees - if you are interested to be involved, you are most welcome to contact the club via!

Really looking forward to seeing you all again!

Please register your intention to participate, even though we are only meeting online until further notice.