Lund International
Grand Hotell
Bantorget 1

Speaker: Trine Grönlund - ​10 powerful mental health habits for a better world

With just a few new habits you can create a more mentally and emotionally sustainable (work)life...and thus contribute to a world with more engaged, compassionate and conscious human beings. A win-win-win for society, employers and individuals. Trine is a passionate world citizen who worked for 12 years as a manager within the IT and advertising industry in New York. Today she runs her own company “Innergi​-​Labbet” in Lund, which works with mental sustainability in high-performance ​corporations. She is a much sought after and appreciated lecturer, moderator and business consultant in the Greater Copenhagen area, as well as initiator of "Innergi in Lund", a two-year program that inspires ​300 ​leaders and employees to a more fun and mentally sustainable ​​life. (www.innergi​.se​)