We are now recruiting volunteers for this year's festival - see the links below to view the available volunteers jobs and shifts.

There's a few changes this year:

  • the Venue Coordinator position has been eliminated
  • set-up tasks will be handled by the Registrar
  • Port Nelson United Church is not a venue this year; instead we are using Pineland Baptist Church
  • we need volunteer drivers to take two of the adjudicators from their hotel (The Waterfront Hotel) to their respective venues (Pineland Baptist and Wellington Square United churches) and back again
  • this year's festival is only one (1) week - Monday October 30th through Saturday November 4th

We hope that you are available to volunteer again this year.

The sign-up process is the same as last year, although we now have our own dedicated system.  You can view either all of the volunteer jobs at once, or one at a time by clicking on the appropriate link below.

To sign up for a shift, click the "sign up" link to the left of the shift you want.

A pop-up window will appear with the fields you need to complete - you can resize this window to suit your device by dragging the sides or corners in or out. You can also resize the Volunteer Notes field in a similar manner.

Complete all of the fields; the only non-mandatory field is Volunteer Notes.

Please contact the Volunteer Coordinator at volunteer@rotarymusicfest.org if you have any questions.

Thanks for your support!

Regards from
The Rotary Burlington Music Festival
Board of Directors