Rotaract Club of Brampton RED talk 
In 2018, the Rotaract Club has organized a number of training events.  The next and final RED Talk  is on Wednesday December 12.  Welcome to the last and final event of the RED Talk series. This talk is brought to you by Rotaract Club of Brampton and Police on Drug Education. With the legalization of cannabis, there are many changes that are happening all around us. If you are curious to find out the impact this has on our community and have questions, join this talk led by Constable Abbie Frape.
Over the last 15 years, Constable Frape has served in different areas of Peel Police such as The Neighborhood Policing Unit, Criminal Investigation Bureau, Youth Education and Emergency Support Service!  Join us on December 12th from 7 to 8 pm at LAB B! Sign up soon as there will be limited spots.  Rotarians are invited.  More details at: