11th Charity Coin Show
The Club hosted our 11th Charity Coin Show on September 7th at Century Gardens Recreation Centre.  Although our turn out of regulars has dwindled from past shows this show was still a great success with the Club raising approximately $3000.00.
We expanded the show this time to include Stamp and Trading Card dealers to accompany our growing list of Coin dealers and it brought in some new patrons.
For our next show we will be intensifying our advertising for our upcoming show on December 7th to try and bring in more clientele to increase revenues for both our Club and the vendors.  So watch for the emails coming in early November to pass them along to everyone you can to increase the attendance!
We would like to thank all those who volunteered as it takes many hours to prep and carry out each of the 3 shows during the year.  Great work everyone!
More pictures on Facebook