Kelvin Hotel

New Zealand

Our Guest Speaker at this meeting is John Munro. (See Guest Speaker profile for more information).

$25pp includes: light lunch/cake & coffee/parking at H&J Smith car park. 

[Please advise any dietary requirements that need to be met with RSVP]

Meals and raffles can be paid online to bank account: 06-0925-0022834-00

Reminder that covid 19 current traffic light framework requires a vaccine pass for entry to this venue


Reminder that RSVP’s are required – if you are attending virtually please let Janna know so a meal charge is not incurred by the Club.


Zoom link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84232350545?pwd=aHQ1ZlpRQk9nKzVPVFF5eFJGWmRYZz09