District Governor 9510 Jeff Neale Area Governor (Group 10) Shiralee Judge
  Club President James Hawker Club Immediate Past President Shawn Hutchinson
Club President Elect Karen Nolan Club Secretary Florence Yeardley 
Meeting Monday, 24/01/2022
Meeting Number 2565
Auchendorroch House.  Photo courtesy Aussie Towns.
Rotary International President Shekhar Mehta 
Club Assembly  held at this meeting.  President Elect Karen Nolan chaired the meeing.
Sergeant:  Ian Rose  

Invocation:  Jo Gueue

Apologies to Peter Baur who was rostered on.  The Sergeant made last minute changes.

Loyal Toast:  Richard Yeardley

Apologies to Mark Clemow who was rostered on.  The Sergeant made last minute changes.

President Elect Karen Nolan
President James welcomed those members meeting face to face and those online and guest,  Marie Harmen.
  • Karen drew attention to this year's Strategic Plan and those goals which have been achieved by the club.
  • Pres James has sent a notice to members  re clay pigeon shooting.  He has had 4 replies.  If any one else is interested please contact James.
  • Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) has set up an appeal and is requesting donations from clubs for the victims of the Tonga Volcano eruption.  Our club will donate $1,000.  Members Ric and Kathy Horn will add to this amount with a private donation.
  • United Nations Women will deliver a virtual presentation by Dr Jane Goodall.  Tickets are available on line.  Secretary Florence has sent information to all members. 
  • The Rotary Australia Health newsletter was sent to all members on the 20th January.  Highlights are the Lift the Lid on Mental Health research being done on victims of road accidents.
  • The District 9510 Conference will be held in the Barossa from 1-3rd April.
Community Service and Fundraising Director, and Risk Management Officer, Peter Baur
Australia Day BBQ
setting up at 9.30 at the shed.  See Rod.  There are 2 i and a half hour shifts for the public.  Workers have 3 hour shifts. 
Risk Management
A Guide for Rotary Clubs- What you need to know and do.
Note:  All forma are editable and can be obtained from the District 9510 website or the District Insurance Officer.
1.  Complete an Insurance Pro Forma & Risk Management Form prior to the commencement of any Event or Project and submit to the District Insurance Officer for approval.
2.  A Disclaimer release and indemnity is required to participate
in any sport, game, match, race, practice, training course, trial contest or competition organised by the club.
3.  Vendors, Stallholders who operate at club sponsored Markets/Swap Meets or the like must have their own insurance.  "No insurance no come" rule to be strictly applied.
4.  If using Rotary Travel Insurance, a "Fit to Travel" letter must be obtained from a GP prior to departure.
5.  Offering cover under Rotary Insurance to other entities or bodies is strictly prohibited.
6.  All Youth Volunteers (as defined) must complete the Rotary Youth Volunteer Infomation and Declaration Form.
7.  Complete and return Club Insurance and Compliance Declaration Form asap but no later than the date specified.
The second club assembly for this Rotary year was held.  See below for items discussed.
Upcoming Speakers for the next 2 months
Nov 28, 2022
Adelaide Hills Art
Dec 19, 2022
Salvation Army/ St Vincent de Paul
View entire list
Upcoming Events for the Next 3 Months
Hungry No More
Uniting Church Hall
Nov 27, 2022
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Rotary Foundation movie
Wallis Cinema
Dec 01, 2022
6:00 PM – 9:15 PM
Mount Barker Christmas Pageant
Dec 03, 2022
10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Club Assembly
Dec 05, 2022
Annual General Meeting
Dec 05, 2022
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Combined Kids and Adult Xmas Party
Shawn's place
Dec 10, 2022
12:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Committees / Board Meeting
Dec 12, 2022
Social get together with the RC of Mitcham
Taylor's home
Jan 07, 2023
12:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Fellowship Night. Movies and Dinner.
Jan 09, 2023
Committees / Board Meeting
Jan 16, 2023
View entire list
Advertisement for ClubRunner Mobile
  1. Bus
All members received a copy of the BOBB (Oustide Broadcasting Bus) committee report. The majority of members voted yes to the proposal that the BOBB committee be formed and that the bus be transferred and registered in the name of the Hahndorf Lions Club with the interest of other clubs noted.  ALL IN FAVOUR.
Insurance can only be held in the name of one organisation.
A business plan for the use of the bus must be presented to the committee in 3 months. 
2.  Tonga
Richard Yeardley proposed that the amount of money originally desgnated for Tonga Volcano vistms be doubled.  ALL IN FAVOUR.
3.  Wednesday coffee catch up
Penni Taylor reported that the first one was held last Wednesday from  10.30 am at Laratinga Cafe.  Those who attended enjoyed the opportunity to relax and get to know each other better very much.  This Wednesday is Australia Day so no coffee catch up.  The next one will be on Wednesday, 2nd February.  All welcome.
4.  Club Commitments, Resouces and  Business Plans
Mark Clemow asked the club to consider our resources before making commitments to undertake projects and emphasised the necessity of having a Business Plan before committing to large projects. 
It was generally felt by the members, that as our rosters fill very quickly, there are enough volunteers within the club, our alumni, those organisations we assist and the general public to continue our general fund raising and community service but for large projects like the Rotary Overseas Recycled Playgrounds (RORP),  we need further assistance. 
This needs to come from the District if possible or at the very least, the Group 10 clubs.  As this project is growing exponentially, the RORP committee are unable to continue the amount of work required without considerable assistance.  At least one or more project managers are required as are detailers to list the playground components and how they piece back together before another playground can be processed. 
At this time there is no Business plan for this project which is very frustrating for those trying to make the project work. A Business Plan  is urgently required and may be written at the upcoming RORP sub committee meeting. Mark has booked a 5 minute Showcase spot at   the upcoming conference. 
The point was aslo made that Rotarians should not be made to feel obliged to contribute their time and effort unless they are able to, want to and are enjoying what they are doing.   Everyone has families, work and other interests which may be more important than Rotary but if we all contribute a little, the together  we are able to achieve our service goals .
The proposed coke van also needs a Business Plan for its intended use. 
5.  Kick Start for Kids
Keltie Grant spoke about her passion for this project.   Karen,Youth Director,  gave an update.  We supported KSFK last year, founder Ian Steel has been a guest speaker at the club.  We have budgeted a considerable donation the KSFK this year but it has not yet been paid. 
6.  Treasurer's report
President James commended treasurer Rod Cooper for the standard of his book keeping.   Due to COVID restrictions we repaired the budget and planned to donate a lot less than usual this year but thanks to the efforts of Peter Baur and his committee the deficit has now become a surplus. We are picking up new events which will improve the coffers even more.  The use of EFTPOS has been beneficial as floats and money counting is no longer needed. Thank you to all volunteers. If a member incurs an expense put in a claim to the treasurer. 
A club visa account has now been set up at Bendigo Bank allowing the Treasurer and Community Service Director to purchase goods.  The Board signs these off at their monthly meeting.  This shortens the reimbursement time at  the end of the month and saves a lot of time.  Clear steps have been set out by the auditor and are being adhered to. 
7.  Computer Service Project
This refurbishment program for struggling not for profits and disadvantaged families has now been completed by Rod.  5 computers are left. Please donate any monitors to Rod. 
Michael Bagshaw
Michael is a regular contributor to the Stock Journal.  Read one of his excellent articles below.

While reading a newspaper piece about a well-known homewares brand, leaping off the page was the sentence "you can't buy integrity, so you better not give it away".  Integrity and reputation are intertwined concepts, particularly in the country.  The vast majority of people endeavour to do the right thing in any given situation.  The reality is not everyone will have the same view in regard to your actions as you do.

As the old maxim goes, you can't please all the people of the time, and that's OK.  Everyone has a right to their own opinion. That doesn't mean we all have to agree with it.  Lots of farming deals are concluded verbally, usually with a handshake.

In the vast majority of cases, everything goes smoothly, such as in share-farming for the neighbour on an ad hoc basis or other operations where one party helps the other in the classic quid pro quo.  I know farmers that to this day conclude large deals with a handshake - their word is their bond, and the other party knows this.

I have seen examples where a land sale had been agreed upon by both parties verbally, but the contract hadn't yet been drawn up, when a much better offer had come from a third party.  Although it could be argued that a contract is in place - a contract can be verbal - a fully-executed contract is much better.  In this case the verbal contract prevailed.

For this farmer - and lots of others - their reputation and integrity is paramount.

Sergeant Ian Rose fined nearly everyone as usual and made us laugh some more.  He took great pleasure in fining amongst others,  Penni,  for her involvement with the Olde Kings Music Hall long ago.  See some pix below just for fun.
"Burning Desire in the Desert Dunes" circa 1967.  L-R Trevor Johnson, Shirley Polglase, Daphne Harris, Penni-Ann Smith
"Dirty Work at the Spangled Garter" circa 1968 L-R Didi James, Penni-Ann Smith, Carol Benson, Jerry Smith
"Dimboola."  circa 1968.  L-R  Pam O'Grady, Alan Hudson, Penni-Ann Smith, Bridget Phillips, Wendy Patching, Ian Smyth, Best man whose name is  forgotten!
President James's quote of the week:
"Wherever you go, no matter the weather, always bring your own sunshine.  If you want light to come into your life, you need to stand where it is shining."."

Next meeting at Auchendorroch Monday, January 31st. 

This is a celebrating our Vocations night.  4 of our full time working members will speak for 5 minutes each about their professions.


Invocation:  Jo Geue

Loyal Toast:  David Gillies

Meeter and Greeter:  Keltie Grant

Secretary email:
Apologies and Visitors/Guests to:  Mary Roebuck  Mob:  0412 808 444