Posted on Nov 09, 2009
Work Room School District 6

Derek Jones, the Work Room coordinator for school district #6, was the guest speaker on Nov. 9, 2009. He works in a resource center for children and adults alike in the Sussex, Hampton and Belleisle area.

Services are delivered out of an office in each of the area high schools. Derek works two days in Belleisle and three days weekly in Sussex. The project is funded jointly by school district #6 and post-secondary education department. It has been running now for one year in Sussex. They also cover PALS in Sussex and Hampton.

Derek delivered a presentation on how the process works in finding out what people's interests are and trying to match them to careers they are suited to based on a detailed questionnaire. The process is very practical, and while it is voluntary on the part of students, it would likely benefit all who take it.

A good presentation, Derek!