Posted on Jun 21, 2010
Rotarian Visits Guatemala

The Club’s guest speaker on June 21, 2010, was our very own Rotarian Wendy Osborne, who spoke about her recent trip to Guatemala. She had woven items, coffee, etc. on display.

Food for the Hungry Canada is the organization that she was associated with during her trip. Eleven people went.

There are 650 people in the village that they visited, 28-30 children that are sponsored by Wendy’s church. They left the town just before a tropical storm, which left the village with almost three feet of rain.

The children only go to school for four months of the year. All the work in the village is done by hand. There are five churches in the village. Wendy and her team worked on crafts with the children. Most of the people work for today and do not plan for tomorrow.

Wendy had an extra 5-day stay due to a volcano eruption.