Posted on Oct 29, 2018
Kingswood University

For our Oct. 29, 2018 meeting, Shelley Vail introduced the speaker, Dr. Steve Lennox.

Dr. Lennox became President of Kingswood University in 2015. Dr. Lennox has authored six books and holds various degrees, including a Ph.D. from Drew University and has specialized in Old Testament studies and ministry.

Considering that all universities in the Maritimes were started and developed by different denominational churches and that Western Civilization based on Judeo-Christian principles, Dr. Lennox asked that Christian education be considered as a value-added option. Dr. Lennox shared his perspective that Christian school at his institution offers every aspect of education that other secular universities do, but also, includes character development as an essential part of the curriculum.

Dr. Lennox finished by sharing the financial benefit of Kingswood University to the economy of Sussex and its willingness to share facilities like the Benson Athletic Complex.

Rotarian Jason Thorne thanked Dr. Lennox.