Posted on Nov 14, 2016
Interact & Rotaract

On Nov. 14, 2016, Rotarian Blair Hyslop introduced guest speaker Susan Kulesza.

Susan’s background includes nursing, real estate, junior achievement, and many different volunteer groups. Susan is presently the District Chair for Rotaract and shared some insightful metrics- that the number ­ while the number of Rotarians worldwide is decreasing; the memberships of Interact and Rotaract are increasing.

For Rotary to sustain itself, there is a need to involve more young people, and this is happening...

Interact and Rotaract are clubs that are sponsored by one or more Rotary Clubs. Interact is for ages 14 – 18 and Rotaract is for ages 18 – 30.
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These groups can come under the umbrella of a school or university, but there are sometimes advantages to having them community-based.

Susan shared her passion for working with the youth and applauded the Sussex Rotary Club for growing in this area. She encouraged members to make a long-term commitment to starting one of these groups in the Sussex area.