Online Registration
Tantramar High School

Food for Thought is a program which is run out of the high school. Every day, lunchs are prepared for the Tantramar Schools: Salem Elementary, Marshview Middle, and Tantramar Regional High School. There are children in Tantramar who come to school with no lunch and sometimes no supper. Thursday is the Rotary Day and Dave and Sue have been manning the roster since last March. The volunteer arrives at the school at 1pm on Thursday and is directed by the Supervisor of the program (Melanie Ball), how many lunches are to be made that day. It usually takes 15-20 minutes depending on the number. The lunchs are then dropped off at the other schools (usually just Marshview on Thursdays). One person can do this duty but a pair is more fun. You will be done in half an hour and that includes delivery. And you will be helping those who can not help themselves at this point in their young lives.  
