Members and Guests at our last meeting were given a very interesting talk by two Ladies from the JCU Medicine Volunteer Department.
In order to assist Doctors in training, JCU operates a small program in which members of the community register to be a volunteer to assist trainee Doctors doing their training by virtue of role-playing some nominated issues that a patient may have. The roles are non-invasive and cover a wide range of events during the year.
The program is voluntary and they understand that some times and dates are not suitable in all cases so they like a range of volunteers to ensure they can get suitable people when required.
The link below provides a more detailed explanation of the program which is vital for the training of our future doctors. It is also possible for volunteers to register for other more invasive role-playing however this is a separate part of the program and only applies to those that specifically advise they would like to participate in that type of assistance.
The presentation was well received by everyone and appreciated that our community is providing assistance to our future medical needs.