Members and guests at a recent meeting of the club had the privilege to hear about one of the very hardworking and dedicated work being done by the Family Emergency Accommodation Townsville (FEAT) team in our city.
The Speaker was Mandy Thompson, CEO of FEAT, who provided an outline of the organization's charter, the work they do, and how they are funded, which all highlighted the importance of this team of dedicated people trying to make life easier for people in our community.
The services they provide can be summarised as:
  • Information, referral & advocacy
  • Crisis intervention
  • Referral to crisis housing & shelters
  • Emotional support
  • Support to sustain tenancies
  • Link to a range of broader assistance
  • Support services for children
However, a better explanation would be, the provision of long-term housing(when available), Homeless Services, No Interest Loans to those in need.
Most funds come from the Government, however, other groups in the community also provide valuable assistance with fundraising and support, especially the Sisters of Mercy who have supported them for many years.
Mundingburra Rotary has provided some financial assistance to the organization and are looking at other ways of support.
The  following Web link provides a more detailed outline of the wonderful work they do for our community
Thanks, Mandy for a great presentation and for allowing us to understand more of the work FEAT do.