Madison-After Hours
United States of America

My name is John Sinclair and I am a conservation warden for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (as well as a past Madison After Hours member).  Part of my role is focused on improving our community outreach and recruiting efforts, and I thought Rotary would be a great place to start that conversation.  We seek to build a more inclusive, representative and diverse agency, and hope to better connect with our communities in an effort to do that.  I come before you to both share my background, passion and experiences, and learn from yours.

Join Zoom Meeting:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5440622028?pwd=UjRMRlZjWnNnVzlYb3N3dk5kSC9tUT09

Meeting ID: 544 062 2028

Passcode: MadisonAH