The Rotary Club of Woodbridge sponsors an EarlyAct Club at Daystrom School in North York.  The Club consists of a keen group of Grade 3's who are learning about volunteering, fundraising, and helping the community.   Recently, they have had a number of events to raise money for the fight against polio.  They had a dime drive, they sold popcorn, and they had a purple pinkie day.  A purple pinkie drive represents how polio immunizations on a large scale are handled in countries such as Pakistan and Nigeria.  To ensure that all kids get their vaccines, the ones who have received theirs have their pinkie fingers dipped in purple dye.   The kids at the school asked for $1 donations, and they donors could paint their fingers or finger nails purple!

The events were a lot of fun, and they have raised over $450 to fight polio!!!

Thank you to Nancy Payne, a teacher at the school, and a member of our club, for helping the kids with their events.