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Stratford Rotary was proud today to join South End Community Center Bike Rodeo for the 17th year. Bike safety was priority, and Rotary donated bike locks to all the children. Hot dogs were served along with, chips, water and juice boxes. Service Above Self is our mission. Harold, an avid cyclist, instruct the youngsters on how to properly and safely ride their bikes. 
This year the kids were treated to a bike ride to the Stratford Greenway and the boat launching ramp at the end of Birdseye Street. The Police Department was on hand to lead the bikers, stopping and directing traffic when it was necessary. Special thanks to Chief McNeil, Capt. Bobby Burroughs and Bike Officers Jimenez and Savic.
At today's lunch meeting at Riverview Bistro, Stratford Rotary inducted 3 new Rotarians, sworn in by AG Stephanie Philips. Reese Mitchell, who is a Lawyer, Alvin O'Neal is a Stratford Council member and Sarah Matthews is Assistant to Mayor Hoydick.
Congratulations and welcome to our club.
Todays speaker was Barbara Boselli. Barbara is the Founder and CEO of BNOW Consulting, a Certified Teacher at the Search Inside Yourself mindfulness program, a Certified Coach by iPEC, and has been a Board Member of MBBI since 2022. She has dedicated her career to supporting individuals and corporations in finding meaning in their lives and creating resilient work cultures. She received a Bachelor’s degree in Business from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro , a MBA from Northwester University's Kellogg School of Management, and Certificate in Spiritual Psychology from University of Santa Monica.
The Scholarship Award Winners Are:
Lewis B. Chaplowe BHS Academic Scholarship:  Madison Thomas-Ferguson
Alan B. Vermylia SHS Academic Scholarship:  Kelsey Welch and Mia Nierenberg 
SHS Vocational Scholarship:  Roseangel Zayas
BHS Vocational Scholarship:  Elie Belinkie
Special Rotary Club Grant:  Zohar Rosenberg
Bruce C. Carr Civic Engagement Scholarship at BHS
Madison Thomas-Ferguson
Runner Up - Barem Alfreh
Runner Up - Kayla Johnson  
Runner Up -Candace Mack
Runner Up -Chloe Samson
Bruce C. Carr Civic Engagement Scholarship
Kathnie Fabre
Runner Up -Yarisa Tejada
Runner Up -Kelsie Welch
Runner Up -Casey Caretta
The Annual Main Street Festival, sponsored by Milford Bank and Hosted by The Stratford Rotary Club, was held on Saturday June 1st. The weather was beautiful, clear and sunny. A total of 190 food, craft and informational vendors participated. There was something for the kids in the way of inflatable’s and a bounce house and the Roaming Railroad. Other entertainment was a magician and animal balloons for the kids There was something for everyone. Music was provided all day by Rotarian Dominic Mantuano. An estimated crown of 8000 people attended this year’s event. This is the largest turnout since Rotary took over hosting the event.
Stratford Rotary would like to thank this year’s sponsors for their support.
We’re all looking forward to next year’s Festival.
Terri Miller, a Stratford resident and owner of The Skin Care Studio at 2103 Main Street, Stratford CT, Second Floor was sworn in as Stratford Rotary's latest member, Congratulation Terri.
In other news, Rotary Community Grants were awarded to Sterling House Community Center for their Food Pantry and to the Stratford Library for Children's Educational Lego Kits.
The Stratford Rotary Club spent several hours at the Stratford Historical Society on Academy Hill sprucing up the extensive garden area. The Historical Society project was chosen for this years  Rotary's Day of Service. The garden is filled with plants and herbs native to the area during the Colonial period. New mulch was distributed around the property along with the planting of native flowers. Some of the members spent time repotting seedlings for future plantings. Thanks to all of the Rotarians who volunteered their time.
Secretary of State Stephanie Thomas was the guest speaker. She provided information about early voting, which was very successful, although very few participated in the primary. More is expected in August and November. She also encouraged members to be poll workers.
Congratulations to Michael Suntag, this year's Norm Parsell awardee. Michael has been a member of the Rotary Club for 6 years. During that time, he has been Secretary of the club for four years and has been active in many of the service projects and programs his club has developed. He has chaired the vocational-technical scholarship committee, which gives annual scholarships to two high school seniors who are interested in Trade careers. He has used the District Managed Grants to fund many community service projects, from supporting veterans to feeding homeless families.
Welcome to our Club!

Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Tuesdays at 12:15 PM
Riverview Bistro Restaurant
946 Ferry Blvd
Stratford, CT 06614
United States of America
4th Tuesday is a Zoom Meeting
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Club Rotary Foundation
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