Posted on Oct 23, 2021

Sunday October 24th, 2021 is United Nations Day. "Rotary and the United Nations have a long history of working together and sharing similar visions for a more peaceful world.

"Rotary has a seat in the General Assembly of the United Nations in recognition of the efforts of its membership to foster goodwill and peace across national boundaries. Rotary is the world's largest Non-Government Foundation providing educational and humanitarian aid."

In 1942, Rotary clubs from 21 nations organized a conference in London to develop a vision for advancing education, science, and culture after World War II. That event was a precursor to UNESCO. In 1945, 49 Rotarians went to San Francisco to help draft the UN Charter. Rotary and the UN have been close partners ever since, a relationship that’s apparent through PolioPlus and work with UN agencies. " 

From the history of Rotary and the United Nations,