Guests: Chris Kelly, Causeway
                 Kerry Kaisar, Centretown Emergency Food Centre
                 Daphne McClemet, Centretown Emergency Food Centre
                 Tom Wilkinson, Charlottetown Rotary Club
  • We held the meeting at the Centretown United Church so that we could visit the Food Centre.
  • Derek chaired the meeting.
  • Chris provided a wonderful breakfast.  Thank you so much Chris!
  • Tom announced that the project to install solar panels in the orphanage in North Korea has been completed.  He said that it was a joy to see photos of children bathing in hot water for the first time in their lives.  The final inspection team will soon in going in
  • There was a reminder that the next Board meeting will be on Monday, April 10 at Mike’s store at 7:00 pm.
  • Terry reported that he is not sure if we have a location for sale of daffodils for the Canadian Cancer Society.  He will keep us posted.
  • The Golf Tournament will be on Wednesday, June 14 and everyone is asked to keep their calendars open.
After enjoying breakfast, we visited the Food Centre and inspected the new dishwasher which was funded, in part, by a District Simplified Grant and in part by our club.  Kerry Kaisar said that they are extremely happy with the dishwasher and she is grateful to our club for making it possible.  Thank you to Stu who helped Kerry pick out the dishwasher and who supervised and monitored the installation.  A well functioning dishwasher is essential to the Food Bank since they use old yogurt containers to package food and they must ensure that the containers are sanitized properly.
Kerry took us on a tour of the Food Centre and explained generally how customers are served.  She mentioned that they are accepting donations of books (since many clients enjoy reading).  They also appreciate receiving used plastic bags for their clients to put the food into.