AT OUR CLUB February 14, 2023:  Derek Lucchese, Both Hands Wood-Fired Pizzeria and Bakery
Derek Lucchese, co-owner of Both Hands Wood-Fired Pizzeria and Bakery, gave a love-ly, heart-warming talk about bread-making, pizza-oven making, running a pizzeria, teaching others how to make pizza ovens and mentoring.  He lives his values of inclusion and is committed to giving youth, including Indigenous youth, job opportunities in his shop and restaurant.  What a great way to practice Reconciliation!  His business survived Covid-19 selling hot pizzas for pick-up and frozen pizzas. Things are back with a one less table for romantic couples due to the new freezer (sorry, Rod!).  The hot pizza ovens have enough residual heat to bake bread the next morning.
At Our Club:  Upcoming Programming
Feb 28 meeting - Rita Komendant (Architecture) at Roots to Harvest on Fort William Rd (in person only
March 28 meeting – Rotarian Warren Philp will speak on Club Training topics at Bartley Conference Centre (hybrid)
Rotary Radio Days
Sales have closed for this year’s Rotary Radio Family Days fundraising campaign.  There is still much to do.  Please step up if you are called to voice some ads or do an interview at Dougall Media. Thanks to all the Rotarians who sold ads this year.  This year we saw a lot more competition from other service clubs for the local fundraising dollar.  Still, we had another outstanding year!  A special thanks to Krysta and Matt V. who stirred us through the difficult transition from a cumbersome paper-based system that created many headaches for the Operations and Management Team and Dougall Media to a new electronic system which streamlined the process from sale to production AND, leading Port Arthur Rotary to reach its fundraising goal!  Good on you both! A Super thank you to Hector, Rosa, Ann, Daryl, and the rest of the team at Dougall Media whose partnership makes our major fundraiser possible.
Port Arthur Rotary supports HIP Youth Gathering
Port Arthur Rotary pledged $1,000 to the Rotary HIP fundraising campaign for the Indigenous / Non-Indigenous gathering north of Winnipeg in March 2023. The purpose of the HIP gathering is to promote dialogue between young leaders to discuss Truth and Reconciliation in Canada.  Two local high school delegates were selected from Thunder Bay to represent the District. The donation was taken from the Service Fund.
In addition to Port Arthur Rotary, Fort William, Lakehead and Nipigon each donated $1,000 each to the HIP gathering.  District matched our donations up to $2,500 US.