The Matawa Education and Care Centre, newly established at the former Grandview Lodge site in Thunder Bay, was highlighted today by Brad Battison (returning to speak here),the current Principal, and Sharon Nate: Education Manager. Both Brad and Sharon have extensive experience in dealing with Matawa Management, Administration and Teaching. They work for Matawa First Nation Management, a tribal council with 9 Ojibwe and Cree First Nation communities in the NAN territory.
The MEC is a private high school for youth between the ages of 13 and 21, all members of Matawa FN. Some students have complex medical and social issues and the curriculum is very innovative and geared to holistically to the many needs of the students.
The MEC has a good number of supporting partnerships, even including Rotary (eg. Bowmanville Rotary club).
 Currently the building is part way through over all renovations, and handling about 130 students. Results to date? There have been some dramatic changes in a number of challenging kids. The energy and diversity involved is palpable.
This program is undoubtedly a working model for other future successful similar education initiatives.

A lengthy Q&A session paid testament to the considerable interest in this noble educational school opportunity.

Pictured (L to R):
Brad Battison (Principal)
Dr. Carlana Lindeman (Education Program Director of Martin Family Initiative), a long time educator and advocate assisting the MEC (guest of Rotarian Art Warwick)
Sharon Nate (Manager)
Brian Walmark (PA Rotarian advocate and thanker)
Bonnie Moore (PA Rotarian assisting in fundraising development and providing the ontroductions)