"Festina Lente" is Latin and translates as "make haste slowly and is attributed to the first Roman Emperor, Augustus Caesar. This phrase sums up the advice Augustus Caesar gave to his commanders - "get it right the first time" before moving on to the next task.  As each member spoke the morning the overriding theme was let's take measured, thoughtful steps toward meeting in person.
The goals for the meeting were met and the membership thoughts and concerns were written down and are on their way to Presidents Mark and Brett.  Giving everyone an opportunity works well for the 32 Rotarians on the call this morning.
In summary:
Wait for guidance from the County of San Diego and Rotary leadership before moving on to the next steeps; following medical guidance to keep member safety uppermost in our consideration. We'll be meeting on-line through October.
The on-line structure will include a program and member by member opportunity to speak and the programs will be announced in advance.
Improving on-line experience with Zoom:
I'd like to start every meeting with everyone on mute.  This way our speakers will have the best opportunity to present their program and thoughts.
The computer microphone (and iPhone) hears all and broadcasts it to everyone. So, muting is good meeting practice until you have an opportunity to speak.  Every member should have a chance to talk.
Technical stuff - Joining by computer is best - you ca see everyone on screen.  iphones are ok however you will not be able to see everyone during the meeting.
Before you join - turn off or shut down any other devices and or programs running on your computer.  Zoom only allows each meeting so much bandwidth to work with so open apps and devices are interfering with your broadcast.  Questions?? Email or phone me for individual help.
Finally: Several of you commented that you enjoyed the Zoom format meeting.  Improvements are coming and your suggestions are welcome.