Illiteracy Eradication
Mar 08, 2018
Dr. Suki Stone
Illiteracy Eradication

On a Mission to Teach Learning Disabled Children to Read

Dr. Suki Stone is passionate about her position as a literacy advocate. Since she has spent the last 35 years teaching children with special education, Dr. Stone had no option but to create an entirely new method to teach these forgotten children to read.  She is creator, founder, and facilitator of Reading Literacy Solutions for the You Read program, a revolutionary system designed to teach writing, reading, and comprehension to children and adults with learning disabilities, dyslexia or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).

Stone is also author of Rethink Reading Strategies, a book published in 2015.  Since receiving her PhD from Claremont Graduate University jointly with San Diego State University she has led a crusade to help learning disabled children and adults recognize they are smart, passionate, but just learn differently. Most children are dismissed from their special education placements after just 14 sessions with Dr. Stone’s program.  Dr. Stone helps many of her adult clients, who struggled for years, achieve their personal and business goals by becoming independent readers.

Dr. Stone can be contacted through her website:  or by phone 858-487-7889.