Cathy Corr - Vice President
Cathy Haas - Treasurer
Angie Salais - Secretary
January 7, 2024 - The Zymurgy Club Board of Directors has adopted the following policy on winemaking. Each club member is allowed to only make ONE (1) batch of wine at one time, during the winter months (Oct 1 thru May 1). Beginning May 2 thru Sept 30 each year, members are allowed to make TWO (2) batches of wine at a time. This policy was made due to the high number of wine makers in the Club and the limited space for carboys and fermenters.
July 5, 2023 - Wine Cooler Bin Rentals: Adopted by the Board of Directors.
July 5, 2023 - Wine Cooler Bin Rentals: Adopted by the Board of Directors.
Effective January 1, 2024, all Wine Cooler bins/cubicle rentals will be limited to one (1) per household.
April 5, 2023 - As approved by the 2023 Zymurgy Club Officers. All Zymurgy Club equipment shall not be taken out from the Club for any home use or otherwise. Any Special Occasion, other than any specific Zymurgy Club functions, that need Club equipment will need to get Board approval before removing such item(s) from the Club.
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Vice President
Member at Large