SD Coastal Rotary is sponsoring a zoo day! On October 28th, we will be going to the zoo with our friends/family, the Alshahhoud family and our Rotary Scholar, Jean Paul. We will need help transporting everyone from home to the zoo and back. Once there, we will tour the zoo in smaller groups since touring with one large group would be too difficult. We can plan lunch together at 1pm at a sit down restaurant.  Jenny has created a tentative plan: 

Jenny will escort the mom (Raouaa), the baby (Jenna - 7 months), and Malak (3 yrs). If there is someone else who loves babies who wants to help, Jenny would appreciate this. 

There are 4 girls who are inseparable (Fatima, Zamzam, Heba and Rukaia - ages 7-12). They would love being shown around by 2-3 of our female Rotarians. Their English is excellent.  

There is also Louay (14 yrs). He prefers to hang out with guys (he needs some role models!) and not with his little sisters. The dad (Nimr) might have to work that day, but he would enjoy partnering with Louay if he gets the time off. 

Then we have Jean-Paul - our Rotary scholar from Rwanda getting his masters at USD. He has never been to a zoo before despite being from Africa and has never seen many wild animals! He is really looking forward to the visit. 

This is an invitation to all our members and their friends and family. Please think about going and think about who you would most like to escort. Let Jenny know and details will be sorted.