After our election two weeks ago, we are happy to present the incoming board for the 2018-2019 Rotary year!
Club President: Sarah Davis
President Elect: no one yet - still open
Treasurer: Craig Hothem
Service: Mari Pullen
Fundraising: Andrew Le
Membership: Jessica Long
Programs: Patti Mortweet
Public Relations: Loretta Stinson
Peace: Jenny Parker
Foundation: April Moranville
Sargent of Arms: Laurie Peck
Youth: Fernanda Torres
Secretary: Allan Candelore
As you can see, President Elect (for 2019-2020) is still vacant. We really need to identify our next President as soon as possible to give that person the dates for their PETS training, among other things. If any of you are willing to fill that role, even someone currently on the board in another position, please let Sarah D know.