Jonathan presented us the history, mission and actions of the Ecology Center based in San Clemente and the partnership with the Farm Lab in Encinitas
Very informative talk about food systems and the Ecology Center by Jonathan.
See the presentation for more info on the Food Systems (the activities involved in producing, processing, transporting, storing, selling, eating, and disposing of food locally), Diversity, Farmers, Land, Food Waste...
Their house in San Clemente was surrounded by dirt when they got it 10 years ago, and with permaculture (or ecological design) their develop the garden that now looks luxurious.
Regenerative organic is their true cause: 
Regenerative Organic Certification is a holistic agriculture certification encompassing pasture-based animal welfare, fairness for farmers and workers, and robust requirements for soil health and land management.
They also focus on distribution of their production, education and community building.
They partner with EUSD to develop soil land and farming for Farm Lab.
More info: