There were 32 members in attendance. Visitors included Les Reinhart from the Aktion Club, Samantha Telleen and Mary Hammen who were guests of Denny Hammen. Vern reported a can deposit of $54.05 and reminded members that help is needed for the Hazardous Waste Collection this Saturday at the fairgrounds. Linda reported that Aktion Club had a successful picnic at Kelso Park last week with 32 attending. They will have a club meeting next Monday and Les will be having hip replacement surgery next week also. Keep Les in your thoughts and prayers! President Monthei informed members of the Budget Committee meeting which will be happening soon. Dean Rogers has requested that we grill burgers during their open house on Saturday, Sept. 5th.
Denny Hammen had the program today. He introduced his daughter Michaela Carlson from Story City. Michaela is a Development Feasibility Manager for Quintiles Clinical Research. Quintiles employs around 32,000 people in 100 countries and 1/2 the workforce works from home. Michaela shared information via a powerpoint presentation concerning the approval process of new medicine and some of the jobs she has held in this area. Michaela has degrees from UNI and Iowa State. Thanks to Denny and Michaela for a very interesting program!