There were 33 members present today with Les and Mindy visiting from the Aktion Club. Dean McAtee also brought his grandson, Cameron Kenkel to the meeting. Welcome to all visitors! Many happy dollars were shared along with special occasions. President Goshon reminded members of the board meeting on Friday. Vern reported a can deposit of $57.30 for the last 5 days. Linda reported that there will be an Aktion Club meeting on Monday. There is a Division Council meeting on Saturday morning in Ames. Contact President Goshon if you can be part of the interclub. The club members voted not to grill food for the annual Red Barn craft sale. The Ames Noon Club is having a summer picnic & auction on Saturday, August 16th at 5:00 pm. See President Goshon if interested in registering.


Kirk Hammer had the program today. He invited Dean Lansman to speak. Dean is the new Greene County CSD Athletic Director and Head Football Coach. Dean spoke about the successful summer athletic programs and provided an overview of the upcoming fall sports seasons. All fall practices will be starting soon followed by the annual Pop football scrimmage vs. Panorama on August 22 at 7:00 pm in Jefferson. Schedules for all sports can be found here. Thanks to Kirk and Dean for the update!
