There were 33 members in attendance with two visitors. Les Reinhart from the Aktion Club and Mark VanderLinden (new GCMC Chief Financial Officer) who is transferring is membership to our club. Welcome Mark! Many special occasions and happy dollars were shared. Vern F. reported a can deposit of $48.80. President Goshon mentioned an interclub opportunity to Nevada on July 8th for the NE-IA Governor's visit. Linda and Tom reported on the Aktion Club. There were busy over the weekend with Bell Tower and had a club meeting on Monday. They will be building some picnic tables for Genesis on Friday. Mark B. reported a profit of around $3,000 from the Bell Tower Festival food stand. Thanks to Mark and his family for all their work over the weekend and to all club members who worked in the food stand! Tom H. reported that the Fair food stand committee will meet next week with a worker sign-up sheet in two weeks. President Goshon reminded members that we need volunteers during the week of July 7-11 to work with elementary students over the lunch hour.


Tom Duncan had the program today. He invited NE-IA Aktion Club Administrator Floyd Hutzell from Algona, IA to speak to us. His Algona Kiwanis Club formed the first Iowa Aktion Club in 2002 and our club was formed in 2009. The mission of Aktion Club is to:
-Provide these adults an opportunity to develop initiative and leadership skills
-Serve their community
-Be integrated into society
-Demonstrate the dignity and value of citizens living with disabilities
Aktion Club members strive to return to their communities the benefits, help, and caring they have received, as well as develop important skills in the process.

Floyd recapped some of the many successes of our local Aktion Club. He praised several of the Aktion Club members and their leaders (Tom, Hollie, Linda) and spoke very highly of the support given the Aktion Club by our club. He presented certificates of appreciation to Tom, Hollie, and Linda. Thanks to Tom and Floyd for a very positive program!
