There were 32 members in attendance today. Les also visited from the Aktion Club. Special occasions and happy dollars were shared. Randy reported that a good work crew cleaned, sanded, and painted the grill last Monday evening. Linda reported that there will be an Aktion Club picnic at Kelso Park tonight (Wednesday) and that they will put up flags at 8:00am on Saturday morning. School construction open house is scheduled for Wednesday, June 1st. We will be serving and grilling as a fundraiser for VICA.
Mark Bauer had the program today. He spoke about the labor force survey (WIAD Employer-Educator Summit Questions for Businesses) that is now being conducted. Do you know that all states in the nation are short of human capital (labor force)?  Are we preparing our students to enter the workforce?  Workforce development must be an Iowa priority, according to the Iowa Business Council’s 2016 report.  To fill an expected 612,000 job openings by 2016, we need to attract and retain more workers.  That’s a challenge for Iowa, which has a low unemployment rate of 3.5% and the slowest population growth in the country.  Thanks to Mark for sharing this information with us!