There were 35 members and 2 guests in attendance today. Chad Leighty (Peoples Trust & Savings Bank) visited today and took a membership packet! Les Reinhart from the Aktion Club was in attendance. Welcome to Chad and Les! Many happy dollars were shared. Vern F. read the December Kiwanis Board Meeting minutes in Marla's absence. President Christensen reported that the current Salvation Army Bell Ringing donations from Greene County have grown to $3.250.00. Karen P. reported that she and others from our club attended the Teen Maze recognition dinner and that a Teen Maze representative will be visiting a club meeting soon. Linda S. reminded members of the Aktion Club Christmas Picnic & Gift exchange on Dec. 17th from 5-7pm at the Elk's Lodge. Everett reported a can deposit of $41.85 for five collection days.
Dick Pound had the program today. He invited Jim Ober, Vice-President of Operations at Scranton Manufacturing to speak to the club. Jim spoke about the company history and some of the challenges they face. Scranton Manufacturing is the parent company of several international brands such as New Way Trucks, Hurricane Motorsports, and Bowie International.  New Way manufacturers a full line of garbage, refuse, and recycling trucks including rear loaders, front loaders, side loaders, and automated refuse trucks. New Way is the 3rd largest garbage truck manufactured in the country and employ 250+ people. Thanks to Dick and Jim for a very interesting program!