There were 34 members in attendance today with Brenda visiting from the Aktion Club. Many happy dollars and laughs were shared. Vern F. read the Board of Directors meeting minutes from the October meeting. Treasurer Bob S. reviewed the 2013-14 club budget with members in attendance. Vern F. reported a can deposit of $67.65 for the last few weeks. Dave J. reported on the Kiwanis Service Auction which in now underway.

Hollie reported on the Aktion Club Officer installation which was held last Monday. They have planned a Halloween/Costume Party for Oct. 27th and invited all Kiwanis to join in the fun. They also mentioned that the Aktion Club Can Depot has been moved to Shadran.


Rod Kleitsch had the program today. He introduced Jaime Daubendiek who spoke about Homebrewing (Beer Making). When the United States enacted Prohibition in 1919, making beer and wine at home became an illegal activity. In 1933, Prohibition came to an end with the passage of the 21st Amendment. However, a clerical error resulted in the absence of the two very important words “and beer” from the statute that legalized home winemaking. On October 14, 1978, President Jimmy Carter signed H.R. 1337, which contained an amendment sponsored by Senator Alan Cranston creating an exemption from taxation for beer brewed at home for personal or family use. This exemption went into effect February 1, 1979.

2012 Homebrewing Stats

  • There are more than 1,000,000 homebrewers in the United States.
  • There are more than 37,000 American Homebrewers Association members.
  • Nearly 1,500 homebrew clubs exist in the United States.
  • 300+ homebrew competitions are scheduled to be held in the United States.
  • 1,802 attendees at the 2012 AHA National Homebrewers Conference.
  • 7,823 entries were judged in the 2012 AHA National Homebrew Competition.
Thanks Rod and Jaime for a very interesting program!