There were 33 members present today and two guests. Welcome back to Shawna Arnold and Sean Sebourn! They have both submitted membership applications to the board. Many happy dollars were shared and special occasions announced by President Heater. Pat shared that 7 club members assisted at the Teen Maze on April 3rd and thanked Dan B. for making the judges bench used at the event. Vern reported a can deposit of $83.70. Linda reported on the Aktion Club meeting from April 2nd. They are still looking for goodie bag items for the mini-conference.
Don VanGilder had the program today. He showed a slide presentation on the Eureka bridge (west of Jefferson) entitled "Eureka: 100 Years Now and Then". Don shared many pictures of the bridge from the early 1900's to present. He also talked about the new boat ramp and planned Eureka Park at that location. Thanks Don for a very informative and interesting program!