There were 32 members and 2 guests present today. Welcome to Mike Wahl (new incoming member) and Les Reinhardt from the Aktion Club. Bob S. discussed interclubs to Boone on March 22nd and March 26th for the Daybreakers ham dinner. Sherry reminded members of the upcoming Spouse's Night event at JSHS beginning at 5:30pm. Hollie reported on planning for the Aktion Club conference in April. President Heater also reminded club members that there is a board meeting on Friday at the Uptown Cafe.
Linda Spearman introduced Billie Hoskins, Greene County Deputy Auditor who talked about elections in the county. Billie said that there are currently 1,853 democrats registered, 2,378 republicans, and 2.697 independent or no party affiliations registrants in Greene County. She also mentioned that primary and general elections cost between $10,000 to $15,000 each. Billie also shared the many duties that are required before any election. She said the highest turnout in the county that she can remember was 72% in a presidential election. Thanks Linda and Billie for an interesting program!