There were 29 members in attendance today. President Heater reported on the Division Council Meeting in Ames. They discussed membership and the Mid-Year conference. Clubs also shared their fundraising activities with the group. A can deposit of $29.30 was reported. Steve C. shared a happy five dollars by announcing the birth of his first grandchild! It was also noted that our own Hollie Roberts was the recipient of the ABC Award- "Above and Beyond the Call"  from the Chamber of Commerce. Congrats to Steve and Hollie! Mike P. announced that the highway 4 railroad bridge overpass project will begin on March 5th and take 7 months to complete. It was also shared that the Aktion Club beginning in February will meet on the first & third Monday's of the month.
Bill Raney introduced Vicky Lautner, Parks and Recreation Director as his program. Vicky spoke about the new outdoor electronic sign that they are looking at purchasing with donations and grants for the Greene County Community Center. The sign will cost in the range of $22,000 including installation and the hope is to have it installed sometime this summer. The old sign may be moved to the cemetery to serve as a directory and a place for announcements. Vicky also spoke about some of the upgrades that have taken place recently to the facility that was built in 1998 and some of the activities and programming currently going on at the center. Thanks to Bill and Vicky for an interesting program!!