The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Junkyard Cafe on November 4, 2022. President Mike Palmer called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Jim Teusch, Bill Monroe, Karen Shannon, Bill Raney, Don Van Gilder, Tim Buenz, Bill Steussy, Denny Hammen, Hollie Roberts, Chad Butterfield, Chad Stevens, Sherry Palmer, Larry Teeples. Board member Colton Cunningham was absent. Vern Foje and Dan Benitz were also present.

A motion was made by S. Palmer and seconded by Monroe to approve the board minutes as written for the October board meeting. Motion carried.

Raney shared the treasurer’s report. Butterfield made a motion to approve the reports as presented. Buenz seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Leave of Absence: none
Resignations: none
New Membership: Brett Abbotts, and Clancy Clawson

Aktion Club Buenz made a motion to give Aktion Club a $200 donation for helping with the pancake breakfast. Monroe seconded the motion. Motion carried. Membership Packet/Brochure Buenz shared a sample membership packet. Brochure, dues insert, membership information, and an installation program. There was discussion about having brochure available at the Welcome Center for new residents.

Meeting Location is being discussed and explored.

The Audit Committee Report was presented by Sherry and Raney. It was accepted with no corrections.

Kiwanis Outdoor Signs Buenz has contacted Emily Gannon about making new yard signs. $24 per sign (20-25 quantity). New time would be 6:30-11:00. Tabled the discussion to determine the future location.

2023 Chicken Dinner Date March 12, 2023 location to be determined. Roberts will determine if the Elks would be available.

Donation Request - Raney received a request from Adopt a Family. Monroe made a motion to make a $400 donation. It was seconded by Hammen. Motion carried. Steussy reported on a program through Partnership for Families and the Dolly Parton Imagination Library Foundation as a potential opportunity to provide funds.

Board Meeting Schedule Monroe made a motion to change the Board meeting time to the 2nd Friday of the month, Butterfield seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Upcoming Events:
The Children’s Center Grand Opening and tours (Nov. 13 2 p.m.)
SalvationArmy Bell Ringing (Dec. 9 and 10)
Wild Rose Toy Drive (Dec 3 11 a.m - 1 p.m. Collect toys last 2 weeks of November at Kiwanis meetings)
Shop with a Cop Dec. 10 12 p.m -1 p.m.
Bike Helmets/Rodeo (helmets are in, tentatively week of April 17, Kiwanis will be asked to help with this event)

Adjourn – The meeting was adjourned by President Palmer at 7:54 AM with a motion made by Hammen and second by Roberts. Motion carried.

November Board Minutes taken by Secretary Shannon.

Board Meeting December 9, 2022