The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa met in regular session at the Greene County Medical Center Education Room on Aug 11, 2023. President Mike Palmer called the meeting to order at 7:00 AM. Board members in attendance were Bill Raney, Sherry Palmer, Bob Schwarzkopf, Don Van Gilder, Hollie Roberts, Bill Steussy, Larry Teeples, Tim Buenz, Denny Hammen, Karen Shannon, Chad Stevens, and Jim Teusch. Vern Foje was also present. Board members Clancy Clawsen and Chad Butterfield were absent.

A motion was made by S. Palmer and seconded by Schwarzkopf to approve the board minutes as amended for the July board meeting. Motion carried.

Raney shared July's treasurer’s report. Buenz made a motion to approve the report as presented. Steussy seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Current Membership: 29 members
Leave of Absence: none
Resignations: none
New Membership: none
Aktion Club: Worked at Hot August Nights and made $90.

Meeting Location Feedback - The GCMC Education Room is going well. We will plan to continue as a permanent location.
Website - We will follow up with HyVee again to see if they will be a sponsor on the website. All others have been collected and are appearing online.
Relay for Life - A motion was made by Monroe to donate $500 to Relay for Life, seconded by Hammen. Motion carried.
Doug Rieder spoke on behalf of Rotary. They are seeking partnership in events and shared the idea that if Kiwanis purchases a table at the Rotary Auction to be held on November 17, 2023 they would in turn purchase a combined equal amount of tickets to our pancake breakfast and chicken dinner. S. Palmer made a motion to purchase a table for $400, seconded by Monroe. Motion carried.
Potential Service Project at Russell Park - Foje shared a need for the shelter house at Russell Park to be spruced up. It was decided to pressure wash the area this summer/fall then in the spring do any needed painting.

Upcoming Events:
Board Meeting September 8, 2023
Officer Installation - Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Budget Committee meeting Aug 30 5 p.m. at the REC. Raney, Monroe, Hammen, S Palmer.
Oct 28 Pancake Breakfast
March 10, 2024 - Chicken Dinner
