Posted by Franz Huber
Darrell Brown, at last week's club assembly, you voted to drop the Sergeant's segment. It didn't pass. Pay a fine! Adrian Crowe, has it ever occurred to you to eat your eggs with cutlery rather than with your fingers? Des La Rance, haven't seen you for ages! Franz Huber, John Chirio is NOT a Kiwi, he comes from Wellington Point in Brisbane! Charles Thomasson, amazing for a stock broker: you do have a friend? Col Laurenson, good holiday? We missed you! Tania Laird, now how did that go with the cake you allegedly had bought for Franz's birthday? Who ate it? Mark Twyford, you can not just pay your attendance fee online, you can also pay your fine online...! And Adrian Crowe fined himself: last week, after he had a skin cancer removed from his ear, he heard a mozzy buzzing him. Yes, he slapped himself. Yes, on that ear...