The Rotary Club of Grays Thurrock sponsors and supports a number of Youth Competitions, here is an update from Nicholas Wilkinson
Despite a really challenging year, the team have made excellent progress. The Young Musician is being held on Saturday 26th November with a good number of entrants spread between the three categories so it promises to be a rewarding and successful event. Despite the valiant efforts of Corin, the Young Chef competition is looking doubtful, but the Technology Tournament is looking very promising with the Cruise Terminal confirming they are happy to support this. The Youth Debate will be held at The Beehive following a successful meeting that Corin and Nick had with them. Bob and Nick have meetings planned with the two SEC judges to get the Young Photographer and Young Filmmaker off the ground.
Thanks to Raj's hard work the LAMP project is now underway and a meeting with the participating school is imminent