David Paranteau©
Rotary Club
September 11 Ceremony
The Juneau Glacier Valley Rotary Club will be hosting the ceremony commemorating the events of September 11th and honoring Juneau’s first responders at the September 11th Memorial at Riverside Rotary Park.  The ceremony will begin with guests gathering at the Memorial just off the parking lot at 9:40am.  The formal part of the ceremony commences shortly after and will conclude by 10:15am. 
As a community and witness to that event, it is important that we remember what transpired that day, how we felt, and recognize our response to it-  the sense of community, the recognition of our first responders, and the way we pulled together to get through something that changed many lives. 
We encourage people to take time on Sunday, September 11th to share a few moments and memories with each other, as a community out at the Memorial site,
as part of our promise to “Never Forget.”
For more information about the ceremony, please contact
Beth Weldon at 723-3116.
WHO:  Juneau Glacier Valley Rotary Club
WHAT:  September 11th Memorial Ceremony
WHERE:  Riverside Rotary Park, 3300 Riverside Drive- at the Memorial Flag Pole
WHEN:  Sunday, September 11th, 2016 -- 9:40 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.