“Collision Course” her new book
Apr 12, 2024 12:00 PM
Millie Norwich Inman
“Collision Course” her new book

About the Collision Course Author

Millie Norwich Inman earned her Bachelor of Arts cum laude from Washington University in St. Louis. After teaching school and raising a family, she dabbled in freelancing for periodicals. A measure of success and sorrow over the loss of western civilization, launched her extensive research for this captivating story. During two trips to England, she immersed in reading at the British Library and Richmond Records Office, and sauntered through   iconic architecture and lush gardens. Back in Texas, she frequented Trinity, Rice, and UTSA libraries and utilized the Inter-Library Loan System through the Boerne Library. Librarian Ann Welder went above and beyond, retrieving an ancient tome from the Library of Congress and an article from London. Notably, some of the most clever and witty dialogue in "Collision Course" has been skillfully extracted and adapted from original letters, similar to the research style in the New York Times bestseller "America’s First Daughter."