Contact: Ray PHILP
Rockingham RSL
Memorial Drive
Rockingham, WA 6168


Find out how Rotary Foundation Grants can help you do good in the world

The 2020-21 Qualification Seminar for Foundation Grants will be run on 29th February 2020 at the Rockingham RSL club.

This seminar will cover updates to our Rotary Foundation, infomration on applying for District and Global Grants and Grant reporting requirements.

This year we will be conducting a combined face-to-face seminar with metropolitian clubs requested to send at least 1 representative to the meeting and country clubs will have the option to send representatives to the Seminar or alternatively due to distance we will be enabling country representatives to Zoom into the seminar.

With limited participants via Zoom, we request that each Country club have a representative register for the event with other interested attendees to gather in one location with internet access and a computer. Once we have received the registrations an email link for the seminar will be sent to the registered person. Please indicate in the registration if you wish to paricipate via Zoom

Please note - clubs need to have at least one representative attend the seminar to qualify and be able to apply for Rotary Foundation Grants in 2020-21

Registrations close  6pm  Thursday 27 February 2020.