"The Shortest Distance between Two People is a Good Laugh!"
May 20, 2016
Michael Pritchard, Comedian, Motivational Speaker
"The Shortest Distance between Two People is a Good Laugh!"
     Our speaker today, Michael Pritchard, is a youth activist, humorist and Public Television host who is known by audiences across the United States for his ability to help young people gain real insight into themselves and the choices they make.  For more than 25 years, Mr. Pritchard has traveled the country, thrilling his youthful audiences while spreading his message of good choices, personal responsibility and respect for others.
     He has been recently featured in Time magazine and on CNN, and he also had the unique distinction of winning the San Francisco International Comedy Competition while he was California Probation Officer of the Year! 
     Join us today for a fun-filled program delivered with wisdom and lots of laughs!

